This week was a hard one, this was our first Thanksgiving as well as the 6 month birthday of our second son, Thomas.
When I look back at the last 6 months I am amazed at how fast the time has gone. I also am grateful at the fact that I made it to this point. I honestly wasn't sure how I'd get here.
This little guy is a big reason I keep going each day.
We celebrated the holiday by going away, which meant extra time with my little guy and workouts each morning. I think I needed it more than he did this week of all weeks.
On our 'rest day' we headed to a local indoor pool for some water fun! I love sharing my love of fitness with Ben, we never do it because we 'have' to, we always do it because we want to! Which is huge, and something that took me years to figure out.
While I missed my bare bones basement gym, we had a nice back up gym in the garage - it was chilly, but once you get moving chilly doesn't matter anyway!
...but by chilly, the first day we went, it was 37 degrees! Thank goodness for heaters.
In food news....
This is a recipe I had found that I tweaked a bit - crock pot lentil chili! It was easy and I got to basically mix all the veggies I had in the house (squash, sweet potato, eggplant, onion, tomato) with lentils, quinoa and a few bay leafs for a yummy hearty meal!
And my other favorite food from the week is this salad - I can't claim to have made it but I can claim to have enjoyed it! This is proof that you can eat well even on the go. This is a 'double' order of the house salad at the restaurant I was at, I ordered the dressing on the side and asked for a veggie burger on the side as well. A nice mix of fats, veggies and protein! And with the veggie burger I also get some healthy carbohydrates in as well.