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    7 years ago

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Big 5-0

Weekly Update:  I did it!! This week wasn't perfect (I ate three cupcakes on Super Bowl Sunday), but the key for me was getting back on track, keeping up with my workouts and not letting those three cupcakes define me.  I was down 2.6lbs this week for a total of 51.8lbs - well past my 50lb goal for February.  I am so proud and excited :)

If you enjoy my blog, I'd love to have you in my private (women only) Facebook Group dedicated to health, fitness and nutrition: 

I found this quote earlier in the week and I love it.  It's so true.  We all have a 'tipping point' that gets us started in new journeys. Whether it be job related, relationship related, fitness or weight related, we have a tipping point that motivates us to make a change.  That being said, motivation will only take us so far.   We need to form those habits that will keep us going and successful in the long term.   For those of you who have been reading my blog, you know that my motivation came from not being able to waterski this summer (a sport I've enjoyed for over 20 years) due to my body physically getting in my own way.  That was my tipping point to make a change.  On a whim, and with a LOT of deliberation, I purchased a program called the 21 Day Fix.  That program has changed my life and really created some great habits.  I can't say that my days are always perfect, but the first 21 days of the program I committed at 100% and those 21 days really did create some lasting habits.  

I encourage you, once you hit your tipping point to work on creating habits.  The first week or two, I really wasn't in the habit.  It was hard, and there were days I didn't want to do it - but I had made a commitment to myself to stay engaged for at least 21 Days.  In those 21 Days, my whole life changed and I can't imagine where I'd be had I not committed to at least trying to form a few new habits.

This week, I watched as my 17 month old son deliberately went up and down the stairs, up and down. up and down. up and down.  He was not afraid of failure, but instead did it over and over and over until he figured it out.  He took one step at a time.  If he looked down the staircase with the intent of taking the WHOLE thing in his first attempt, what would have happened?  He probably would have fallen, gotten hurt, and gotten discouraged.   But instead, with deep motivation he tried slowly and taking each step as it's own hurdle.   

My journey has been so similar to this.  In looking at my 100 pound weight loss, I have and continue to break it down into small steps.   I enjoy the journey and I don't always do all the steps perfectly, but the more I practice and the more I try the better at it I get.

Here is my workout selfie of the week, my son wouldn't nap and I had dinner plans so my two time choices for workouts were wiped out - instead I decided to take the workout to his bedroom. It was actually pretty fun!  Except that he insisted on sitting on my back for every single set of push ups. I love my mini DVD player - it may be tiny, but it sure is effective!

These two photos were taken one year apart on Super Bowl Sunday.   It's hard to completely tell the transformation as I'm wearing my son (and he's a lot bigger in the second photo), but I have to say the 5K walk was a LOT easier this year.

Last week I talked about my new beginning.  Well this week marked the first 'full' week as a full time mommy and fitness professional.   Between teaching my Mommy & Me Pilates classes and my Coaching Business (see links below for more information or comment with questions), I was finally able to leave my corporate job of 10 years.  It's a weird and scary feeling but also extremely empowering.  

Here we are on our way to work together. How cool is that? My son gets to come to work with me!  

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Sunday, February 1, 2015

New Beginnings

Weekly Update:  I am happy go say I was down .2lbs this week for a new rural of 49.2lbs.  I'm starting to notice a 'pattern' that has been with me since I started this journey.   Whenever I get close to a big goal, I manage to self sabotage and do something (or many mini things to throw me off course).   Last week I got very close to my 50lb goal.  Within a pound, and pretty much from the second I set the goal of "50" by the next week I could feel a pang in my stomach of self sabotage.   While it wasn't intentional, a part of me knew it was there the second I set the goal.    The good news is, I've learned to love and learn from the ups and downs, and next time I get close to a goal, I'm going to work on some new coping mechanisms to reach that goal without getting in my own way.

If you enjoy my blog, I'd love to have you in my private (women only) Facebook Group dedicated to health, fitness and nutrition: 

This week was definitely a weird one in my personal life as well. In hindsight, I think it may have caused some of my 'self sabotage'.  It officially marked the last day in my 'Corporate Employment' life.  Have you ever been so excited about a change and thought about it for months (or even years), but then when the moment comes to change, you panic?  Well that was me this week.   

Here is my cubicle, 10 years worth of history either thrown out or repurposed.  While I'm beyond excited to be pursuing my career in fitness, I'm also petrified at the same time.  I keep telling myself that anxiety in the pit of my stomach is what's going to lead me to big things, so here's to new beginnings!

Regardless of the work and stress around my questionable eating habits this week, I still managed to have one of those weeks where you start to really look in the mirror and love what you see.  This photo below was taken for one of my online accountability groups - it was 'proof' that I had finished my workout (I forgot to take one right away, so this is me  on my way back up to my desk - taking 8 flights of stairs!).

This quote really speaks to me, having been overweight the majority of my youth (until about age 20), when I first lost weight (60lbs in college), I would yo-yo up and down and was never really happy with myself. I always had '5 more pounds' or 'needed to firm my arms' and never really appreciated my body and what it could do and how it had transformed.   This past journey to drop the 100+ lbs that I had put on during and after my pregnancy has taught me so much more about my body and really loving it.   I look back at photos when I was 130lbs and convinced I should be 117lbs (because that's what the BMI chart said), and I wish I could talk to the girl in the photo and help her realize how beautiful and strong she really was.  

I'm not sure if it's the magnitude of weight I gained this time, or the fact that my perspective has changed now that I'm a mother, but I really cherish every single pound I lose and every fitness victory I have.   I'm still very close to my prior 'highest weight' but I love myself so much more than I did when I was at my lowest weight, funny how that happens when you let yourself change your perspective.

Despite my food challenges, I had a fun fitness victory this week.   I finished Month 1 of my Insanity Max 30 program.   The workouts have been nothing short of intense, but also so much fun.  It feels so good to have accomplished 30 straight days of no excuses.   I'm excited for the next 30!

Here are my actual Day 1 and Day 30 results.  I didn't think I'd see a change, but I actually notice some small changes!

Another moment here of feeling super proud and beautiful - me and my little guy after a visit to the Boston Museum of Science.  I can't believe how fortunate I am to get to spend every day with him from now on!

In food news, here are some of the fun things that have come up this week!   This recipe a friend posted that she uses as a 21 Day Fix Recipe.  It looks amazing!  Although, with myself I don't think I can have anything (even if it's a healthier option) in the house that tastes like cookie dough.  Watch out!

This is a splotchy photo because I took a photo of my computer screen, but it's a fun view of what a 'day in the life of the 21 Day Fix' looks like. I put together a sample plan for what a day's worth of food for someone 170-195lbs would look like.  You'd be amazed at how much food it is!

Here's an example of one of the yummy fix recipes a friend came up with. It's an apple, with 2 tsp of melted peanut butter and one 'orange' container of coconut.   Delish!

And then of course there are my favorite Brussels Sprouts - I can't get enough of these things.

This one is also a great recipe, and super easy. It's very 21 Day Fix friendly and barely takes any time to prep.   It's a bag of frozen veggies (corn/pea/carrot mix is what I use) with a cup of dry quinoa that has been cooked, salt, olive oil and pepper.   Mix up and serve warm or cold (I like cold).  So easy, and everyone loves it!

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