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    7 years ago

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Weekly Update: I had a lot going on this week again emotionally, but I am trying really hard not to let it get in the way of the things I have to be HAPPY about.   Doing Yoga the last 3 weeks was seriously the BEST thing that I could have done for myself.  I may not have maintained my super high endurance, I may not have lost weight - but I gained a lot mentally.

Here I am on my last day.  I seriously can't get over the fact that I did 21 days straight of Yoga (since I typically hate yoga!)  But the cuing was amazing, and the words they used really got in my soul.

This quote says it all!

I also did a lot of snuggle therapy (the photo looks odd, but we both have on swim suits!).  Every few months we go to 'Mexico' - basically we just put on our swim suits, get lots of tubes and bubbles and play in the bathtub!  It's the little things in life that make me happy.

I also am brought so much joy by my weekly mommy & me classes. I teach several classes a week, and the moms bring me so much joy.    

Here I am with my son doing 'class' at home - I do my at home workouts every morning and on Saturdays my son does it with me. I love how the second we got started he said 'mommy! this is class! we are doing class!'

So why did I title this blog entry $500?  Because this week, I got an email telling me that I had one $500!   Just for submitting my health transformation story.    I have been doing this for about a year every month (I wish I had started sooner!).   Each day, the company I work for gives out $500 to a male and female just for getting healthier, and every quarter they give out $1,000 - annually one person gets $100,000!

While the money is super exciting, I'm most excited about what it represents!

Food news!!!  Minimal food prep this weekend due to lack of planning - but here is a yummy favorite that 'feels' bad but isn't.  Butternut squash stuffed shells!

And breakfast of the champions - eggs and Shakeology!

If you enjoy my blog, I'd love to have you in my private (women only) Facebook Group dedicated to health, fitness and nutrition:

If you'd like to work with me as your coach, create a free account:

Mommy & Me Website:

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Push Through

Weekly Update: I know I said I'd never avoid the scale, but here I am avoiding it!   Since last June when I had my miscarriage my food has been all over the place.  Some good weeks, some good days, some terrible weeks days or months.   I'm not proud of it, but I AM proud that I continue to try, and continue to workout each and every day - without fail!

I still haven't brought myself to look at the number yet, however I had a big eye opening experience when I went in for a doctor's appointment this past week.  She basically said that I was not at a great weight.

Not news to me- but still I felt very uncomfortable hearing it.   Funny how that happens.  But the thing is - being uncomfortable won't help me.  SNAPPING OUT OF IT will! 

So it's time to let go- time to let go of the loss, not forget it, but let go of the emotional eating.  Let go of the fear.   Let go of the sadness and move on.

I got home from the dr, made myself a SOLID lunch (veggie burger and red peppers on a wrap) and I am moving on.

I talk a lot about my WHY.  There are immediate WHYs - like being able to do fun things with my son, feeling good, having energy.  But there are also WHYs like this. My grandmother while she has never really 'worked out' in the traditional sense has always been active.   She raised 7 kids, and has always been a very hard worker - widowed at 45, she worked and took care of the house including mowing her extremely large lawn through her 80s.  

My longer term WHY is to be like this woman - at 90 and still able to take walks, still in my own home, still as healthy as I can be for 90.

My other WHY continues to be this guy.   While my food has been off - we still teach our Mommy & Me classes together each week.   He still sees that fitness is a big part of my life and it's FUN.   During this week's class shortly after this photo was taken, I was doing some bridges and he announced (proudly) to the room "My mommy and I do this exercise in the basement at home!" and he's right - when I do my morning workouts he joins me on the weekends.   He is seeing me, he is watching me and he is having FUN with me.

My nutrition hasn't been all bad either - I still continue to start my days with my Shakeology and my banana - I can't imagine it any other way!  And this along with my workout are two things I'm insanely proud of. 

That and my water!

If you enjoy my blog, I'd love to have you in my private (women only) Facebook Group dedicated to health, fitness and nutrition:

If you'd like to work with me as your coach, create a free account:

Mommy & Me Website:

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Weekly Update: I've been focusing differently the past 2 weeks.  I typically focus on strength, physical goals like number of push ups, or pull ups or endurance goals.  As well as goals related to my nutrition/healthy choices.

Those goals are all still important to me - but with the last 2 weeks of yoga (something that was extremely hard for me to commit to). I have been focusing more internally.

It was a HUGE commitment for me to decide to do 21 straight days of yoga.

Historically, yoga makes me anxious, stressed and extremely uncomfortable.

I know that sounds bizarre, but it's true.'

But this time is different. 

This particular program is amazing.  Every day for 21 days, it's a different practice.   They build on each other, but no day repeats.  

Each week is a different instructor, which also makes it fun and keeps it interesting.

But most importantly is HOW the instructors have been teaching.

I've been able to get more out of this program than any of my prior experiences with yoga.  

I've been able to look deep - think about myself, my coping, my INNER STRENGTH.

I love this particular quote because it really drives home the purpose of being healthy - and it has nothing to do with a size pants.

It has everything to do with the fact that we are only given ONE body.  One body to live our lives, and leave our legacy.

Short food news section this week - but these are both of my favorite recipes!!   I made my beloved butternut squash pizza - taking advantage of squash season!

And this newer recipe - butternut squash mac and cheese!! Who says comfort foods have to be bad for you?!

If you enjoy my blog, I'd love to have you in my private (women only) Facebook Group dedicated to health, fitness and nutrition:

If you'd like to work with me as your coach, create a free account:

Mommy & Me Website:

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Weekly Update: This week is fun - I'm spending the next 3 weeks doing something I typically HATE.   But I work on a daily basis to help support people to do things that they don't think they can do, so as a result I thought I should do something I don't think I can do.  And guess what, I'm actually ENJOYING IT!

Imagine that, I am enjoying yoga.  

I still love my intense workouts, but this program has been phenomenal. I particularly like the way they map it out. The cues are phenomenal, and I'm actually feeling a little sore, but also very calm after.   And I am not getting bored or anxious like I usually do with yoga!

Here I am at the end of my first practice - it's a big deal that I've done three days in a row of yoga, and a bigger deal that I'm enjoying it!

Here's another favorite photo from this week.  My little guy watching me teach class to my Mommy & Me group.  Every week we do an out door Boot Camp class together - and this is the highlight of my son's week! He gets so excited for 'the outside class' - and so do I !

I rarely get shots of me in action - but my mom was at class this week and snapped this one!

Food news - After a few weeks I decided to make my favorite pizza - butternut squash! I love LOVE this recipe. I made it up a few months ago when there was an issue with the cauliflower crop, and it's been a staple in my diet ever since!

As has this! My beloved Shakeology, even my little guy loves it!

If you enjoy my blog, I'd love to have you in my private (women only) Facebook Group dedicated to health, fitness and nutrition:

If you'd like to work with me as your coach, create a free account:

Mommy & Me Website: