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    7 years ago

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Weekly Update: I had a lot going on this week again emotionally, but I am trying really hard not to let it get in the way of the things I have to be HAPPY about.   Doing Yoga the last 3 weeks was seriously the BEST thing that I could have done for myself.  I may not have maintained my super high endurance, I may not have lost weight - but I gained a lot mentally.

Here I am on my last day.  I seriously can't get over the fact that I did 21 days straight of Yoga (since I typically hate yoga!)  But the cuing was amazing, and the words they used really got in my soul.

This quote says it all!

I also did a lot of snuggle therapy (the photo looks odd, but we both have on swim suits!).  Every few months we go to 'Mexico' - basically we just put on our swim suits, get lots of tubes and bubbles and play in the bathtub!  It's the little things in life that make me happy.

I also am brought so much joy by my weekly mommy & me classes. I teach several classes a week, and the moms bring me so much joy.    

Here I am with my son doing 'class' at home - I do my at home workouts every morning and on Saturdays my son does it with me. I love how the second we got started he said 'mommy! this is class! we are doing class!'

So why did I title this blog entry $500?  Because this week, I got an email telling me that I had one $500!   Just for submitting my health transformation story.    I have been doing this for about a year every month (I wish I had started sooner!).   Each day, the company I work for gives out $500 to a male and female just for getting healthier, and every quarter they give out $1,000 - annually one person gets $100,000!

While the money is super exciting, I'm most excited about what it represents!

Food news!!!  Minimal food prep this weekend due to lack of planning - but here is a yummy favorite that 'feels' bad but isn't.  Butternut squash stuffed shells!

And breakfast of the champions - eggs and Shakeology!

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