Weekly Update: This week I am up 0.4lbs for a total of 75lbs even!! I am really proud of myself for staying ACTIVE, and I have to say I am feeling so strong these days with my new program Body Beast. For some reason I'm still struggling at this 75lb marker. It may be the summer, may be my body found a 'sticking' place, may be the change in routine with the weight lifting (I'm still trying to iron out exactly the best breakdown of foods doing the Body Beast Nutrition guide using the 21 Day Fix containers). I continue to push forward, knowing my body is getting stronger and leaner even if the scale is a little sticky.
Here is a great photo of this weekend - we were in NH for the weekend and decided to do an impromptu hike, except I didn't have a backpack with me, toddler backpack to the rescue! A year ago there's no way this would have even gone over one arm, and that's if I could have even made it halfway up the hiking trail - so I consider both a win!
And while that scale may be a little 'sticky' there is no denying how far I've come in a year. My newest program is honestly totally defining my muscles in ways I never thought possible after having lost so much weight (loose skin, etc). I love this one - I see a bicep!!
Here we are about to go waterskiing - my all time favorite thing in the world to do. This was one of my catalysts last year. I remember vividly crying in the middle of the lake with frustration when I tried to get up and for the first time in 20 years was unable to. Being able to waterski again has been a big part of this journey, and I'll never take it for granted again.
One thing that's been super fun the last couple of months has been forming a community of "morning warriors" - we text, message, email, and post photos of ourselves at 4, 5 or 6am - whenever that morning workout happens - here is a collage of some of the ones I've sent to my challengers this past month. Sometimes sending the photo is the only thing that will get me out of bed, but once I'm out of bed, I CRAVE my workout!
If you enjoy my blog, I'd love to have you in my private (women only) Facebook Group dedicated to health, fitness and nutrition: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FitandHealthyPrivateGroup/
I love how most of my programs can be done with just my body, or a band. That being said, Body Beast is about strengthening and pushing your limits with weight training. While in NH, I didn't want to sacrifice 3 days going off the program, so I brought my weights with me. I love how I have access to all the programs I purchase 'On Demand' which means I can stream it on my phone or a computer wherever I am!! I drove to NH, but had I been somewhere that I couldn't pack up my weights, I would have brought my "On Demand" to a gym and used their weights!
We had some great family time this weekend, one of my very first WHYs was being able to play effortlessly with my son and show him how much I LOVE life. Here we are on the boat, he is anxiously awaiting watching "Mommy Waterski!!" I am setting a good example, because ever since we got back he's been obsessing over when HE can waterski - I'm a proud mama to say the least.
In a similar vein, I truly enjoy taking my son WITH me as I travel around CT teaching my fitness classes to other moms who struggle to make time for their fitness. While the classes are geared towards the moms, children are always fun props - if they get bored of playing, we often find them on our tummies and backs making class that much more fun!

During one of my workouts this weekend I looked down to see this. These are the same shorts I've been wearing for my workouts the past year (I have three pairs and they are so comfy I can't seem to buy new ones). A year ago these pants weren't fitting very well at all - the seam dug into my stomach. Today, they literally buckle with extra fabric.
If you'd like to work with me as your coach, create a free account: http://www.beachbodycoach.com/chapmaki
Mommy & Me Website: http://www.fitandbalancedmom.com/
Contact: fitandbalancedmom@gmail.com
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