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    7 years ago

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Max Out!

!Weekly Update:  This week I am feeling MUCH better about my choices.  After a couple weeks of crazy, I am feeling more confident and feeling BETTER as a result of eating better foods. I had been struggling with trying to eat up some leftovers, and realized that not prepping at least one new food a week sets me up for failure.  So this week I made sure to prep something that I hadn't had in a while to keep me excited about my healthy food choices!

I actually had some hard things come my way this week, one of which was a woman who called me 'giant' and 'huge' at the gym - I honestly think she just had no filter, but it hurt my feelings none the less.   And the fact that she wouldn't stop calling me 'so big' really made me feel down for a few days.   I took this photo as a reminder that I am NOT giant, nor huge - and even if I was who cares? I'm on a journey to be healthier each and every day both inside and out.

And on that note, I started a 'new' program this past week - but not new to me.   Although each time I do a program start to finish it has a way of feeling new, because I experience it in a different way each time.

The photo on the left is from when I did this same program for the very first time 18 months ago.  You can see the fatigue still in my eyes, and the fullness to my face.   On the right is me from this past week - even though it's 5:30 in the morning, I'm energized and alert!

And no matter how strong I get, I just push myself harder.   The sweat is proof!  I love the quote 'if it doesnt CHAlleNGE you, it doesn't CHANGE you' I couldn't agree more! I continue to push myself in different ways each day.  Whether it be emotionally, mentally physically or socially.  There is always room to make myself a better person.

And a big part of WHY is because of this - my little guy.   He watches me no matter what I do and now that he's older, he verbally reinfoces that he's watching my energy levels, my happiness, how I deal with stress - all reasons to keep pushing forward!

Food news! A favorite this week was blended fruit with a little chocolate chips - perfect for the sunny weather!

I've also been on an egg kick for breakfast and moving my Shakeology to mid day or at night - I've been treating myself to one orange freshly squeezed with all the puple for the fiber - so yummy!!!

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