Weekly Update: This week I hit my 17 week marker in the pregnancy and we found out we are having a baby BOY! That's two boys total for this family - it's going to be a fun 18 years!

I've been struggling big time with feeling sick - around 1pm every day it hits and sticks with me. It's brutal! As a result my nutrition has been wonky, so I'm making a commitment that once I feel better to clean it up and quickly.
That being said, I have been taking weekly photos and this is the first set where I think I see a baby in there! Week 4 (left) versus Week 17 (right).

I've been able to do every workout with some modifications, but I'm playing around with the active maternity series available to me and those I coach - what I love about it is the EDUCATION that comes with it - it's a half hour of workout plus learning about fitness during pregnancy so you can do ANY workout after.
I now stream all my workouts which has made travel easy - and I have been playing around with streaming them using my projector as well!
Getting back to my comment about food - I am realizing that it's affecting my overall body composition (not just my stomach...that part I'm ok with!). So my goal for January and February is to get my arms stronger again! Here is my Day 1 arm photo.
Speaking of GOALs...2 years ago I set a goal to be a "daily $500 winner" - once I found out that the company financially rewarded people for losing weight, I put on my goal list (see inset photo) that I'd be a winner - and after 2 years of working my butt off on my personal goals, I not only got healthier and happier but I got the email...in fact TWO emails. I won $500 for the daily winner AND $1,000 as a monthly winner. How cool is that? Basically the company paid me back for all the programs I purchased to lose my weight (plus some extra spending money!)
Another reason I love being a customer AND coach is that the company really rewards you with things that are linked to progress, here's another example. For ever program you finish, they mail you a free t-shirt or tank top to show off your progress. Here's my latest tank top from my newest program!
And some quick food news...two of the foods I continue to eat and enjoy on a daily basis....Shakeology (of course),
And Bananas!!!
If you enjoy my blog, I'd love to have you in my private (women only) Facebook Group dedicated to health, fitness and nutrition: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FitandHealthyPrivateGroup/
Find me on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjzh-8_DCDzaC77CKbIAmMg
If you'd like to work with me as your coach, create a free account: http://www.beachbodycoach.com/chapmaki
Mommy & Me Website: http://www.fitandbalancedmom.com/
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