Weekly Update: This week was awesome, it was my birthday weekend (complete with Hiking Mount Washington - a big goal of mine this past year to be able to do it 'again'), a Red Sox game (and yes, I indulged in my favorite...a soft pretzel!) and cake! I am happy to say I am DOWN 0.4lbs. My total is currently 74lbs. And it will continue to get higher, I'm sure of it. One day at a time!
While I was hiking, I had a lot of time to think, I thought of all the photos I had collected this past year, I thought of my 'story' and I thought maybe I could put it into a slideshow to show people my journey. If you have 2 minutes, I'd really appreciate you checking it out!

On top of the awesome weekend, and weight loss I got REALLY exciting news. I was approved for Life Insurance! I am so happy to be healthy enough to be able to receive insurance and provide for my family in the event anything would ever happen to me.
I put this photo together showing my year's progress. One thing hasn't changed..I still love GREEN! But other than that, everything has changed. My health, my happiness, my outlook on life. But I didn't do it all at once. I did it one day, one pound, one goal and one victory at a time. That's the same way we reach any goals. That's the same way I was able to climb a 6,000 foot mountain this weekend - one foot in front of the other without looking too far ahead!
One of my favorite parts of this journey has been the ability to teach again. I discovered Pilates in college when I originally lost weight (about 60lbs on Weight Watchers). While I didn't have a healthy relationship with food and exercise on the Weight Watchers program, I DID discover how much I loved fitness. Being able to teach again and bring my son with me to classes has been an amazing experience.
Now on to birthday weekend!!! I started the weekend with some waterkskiing - my favorite thing in the world. I literally could ski for hours if there was enough gas and the people in the boat didn't kill me for doing it. But for now, I settle for 30 minutes at a time.
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The weekend kept getting better - my one birthday request was to be able to hike Mount Washington. The weather listened to me too, it was a gorgeous day. We had some sleet on the way down, but who cares? It made it more fun!
The only thing that comes close to my love for waterskiing is my love of hiking. I didn't always love it. In fact, the first time I hiked Mount Washington was back when I was about 13 and weight close to 200 pounds. I literally thought I was going to die, I cried most of the way up and it took well over 5 hours (this weekend it took me 3 to get up - so that should be a nice comparison). But the feeling of accomplishing it (and this was years before I would ever experience what it was like to lose weight and truly get healthy), well that feeling was enough to hook me on hiking for the rest of my life.
A mountain is so much like a weight loss journey. I thought a LOT over the 6 hour total hike (3 hours up, 3 hours down). You have this big mountain ahead of you, but you don't tackle it all at once. You can't look too far ahead, you need to just have faith that your legs will carry you there. One single step at a time. And those steps add up, before you know it you've reached the summit!
And you are so proud of yourself you don't even know where the time went!
Similar to a weight loss journey, there are also lulls, those things we call plateau's. Those things that people tend to cringe at in a weight loss journey. I am actually at one myself. I have been hovering at and around the 75lb marker for weeks, if not months. But the thing is, a plateau is an opportunity. It is a chance to look around and really enjoy the scenery, take a deep breath, relax and be proud of all the distance you have already covered. It's a reward.
Birthday weekend continued onto my actual birthday - I got to be pampered complete with makeup, hair and a little bubbly (which I NEVER do, so it was fun!). I was asked a few weeks back to speak at an event about my transformation as well as have some photos taken of me for the event. It's way out of my comfort zone, so what did I do? I said YES. When I push my comfort, I always am pleasantly surprised.
A big take away from this week, and this year, is that I am now HAPPY. Here are the many shades of my happiness!
Never forget to....
Food news!
We were in NH with limited food since it was a short trip...I scrounged around and made this amazing recipe. Quinoa, spinach, red peppers, turmeric, garlic and ground pepper stuffed in a red pepper and baked. SO GOOD!
One of the best parts of NH in August is the blueberries. We have wild blueberries outside my parent's house and it was so great to be able to collect enough for the winter.
More about me or to order any products: http://www.beachbodycoach.com/chapmaki
Business Website: http://www.fitandbalancedmom.com/
Contact: fitandbalancedmom@gmail.com
Business Website: http://www.fitandbalancedmom.com/
Contact: fitandbalancedmom@gmail.com
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