My Blog List

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


If you enjoy my blog, I'd love to have you in my private (women only) Facebook Group dedicated to health, fitness and nutrition: 

I want to take a few minutes to introduce myself and explain what this blog is all about.  I'm 31 years old and the mother of a 1 year old.  

Like many new moms the word 'balance' carries so much meaning in my life.  Pre baby I was on top of my fitness (I had run 4 half marathons, hiked Mt. Kilimanjaro, taught Pilates and Boot Camp), I worked two jobs, was pursuing my MBA, gardening, traveling (I made a goal of going to all 7 continents by the time I turned 30), spending time with friends and family... You name it, I did it!

Fast forward, I became pregnant which was the one thing in my life I wanted so badly but couldn't plan for.  I didn't know when it would happen.  I didn't know how the pregnancy would go.  I didn't know how my delivery would go.  I had no idea how tired I would be after.  Everyone's experience is different and as much as I planned it and mapped out my future, I had no idea what was in store for me.

Having my son, Benjamin, was the best experience of my life as well as the most physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting thing I have ever been though.  I was so focused on the health of my baby boy that I made excuses for keeping up with my own health.  Between over indulging during my pregnancy and not making the time to think through my food and fitness choices post baby I had gained a total of 100 pounds.  1-0-0.  I knew I was overweight.  I knew my maternity clothes shouldn't be getting tighter even 9 months after having my son, but it wasn't until I went on vacation with my family and attempted to waterski (a sport I've done for the past 24 years and something that has always brought me joy).  I found myself in the water in tears because no matter how hard I tried, my body just wouldn't do it.  The most upsetting part was that my stomach literally was in the way.  The physical space of my body was now getting in the way of things that made me happy.  I made a vow at that moment to make a change and rediscover myself.  I realized if I wasn't happy and wasn't healthy then it didn't matter how much I loved my son, I wasn't setting a strong role model for my son and most concerning, may not be there to see him grow up. 

In the water that day, I made a promise to myself.  I would attempt to ski again in two months and I would be 20 pounds lighter.  It wasn't easy, but through the help of some awesome tools (I used the '21 Day Fix' by Beachbody for my portion controlling as well as other Beachbody fitness programs), as well as self imposed accountability (I started a Facebook group called 'Fit & Healthy' and decided to become a Beachbody coach to help others experience the success I was beginning to see) I stayed on track and hit my 20 pound goal prior to attempting to ski.  I felt great, but it wasn't until I got up on those skis that I realized how good it felt to have 'me' back.  

I am now 3 months into my journey and down 28 pounds.  I realize I have a ways to go, but have not taken for granted how far I've come.  This blog is a way to document my journey 'back to fit' while I redefine what balance is in my life as a mother, wife, sister, employee, friend and individual.  I will be open and honest and I will share my struggles as well as accomplishments.  

Welcome and enjoy!  


  1. First comment! Can't wait to follow along :)

  2. So happy to have my first comment as well as my first follower!!!
