I tag this week the week of self care! I forgot how much I love being totally alone. And it didn’t hurt that I got to do it in California, my favorite place.
I spent a lot of time doing what makes me feel good - being alone, recharging, going to bed early and not feeling bad!

Mixed in was some business, but honestly it didn’t feel like business. We had a leadership conference, full of so much amazing information. It ended with a really goofy game show, in which I got to participate in a nerf contest (I won!)

This was one of the quotes that really sank in with me. They were talking about the business, but it relates to so much more.

I can honestly say I’ve never had this much fun at a work function. I mean, who gets to do a workout as a part of their conference? We do!

Here I am with the company CEO at our evening reception.

And of course between sessions, I had to enjoy the rooftop pool!

Another fun part of this trip was exploring all the vegan restaurants I could find in LA. Of course I also had the prerequisite that they had to be outside!

Doing a little planking outside our corporate headquarters!

It was great to be able to see the main office from inside - including all the ingredients of my favorite smoothie split out by ingredient.

One of the things I really loved was the one of the stairwells going into the offices was covered in thoughts and quotes like this from the CEO. They were both motivating as well as telling about the type of company I represent. I am proud to be a part of such a wonderful community with such a wonderful leader.

... this part of headquarters almost had me applying for jobs. A gym with every piece of equipment I could ever want, available to all employees all day long!

This is more of an inside joke, but this is a puppet that was made of one of the executive directors - it was a ‘treat’ to be able to hold it!

And now a few photos from my exploration at the beginning of the trip!

I spent some time exploring Venice Beach and Santa Monica - it was nice to have no agenda at all!

... and with no agenda comes the ability to get a massage!!

I also love travel because I get to bring my workouts with me. Every space is different, but my routine can remain consistent.

These bands traveled well and let me get my workouts in!

Before Santa Monica, I visited some friends in San Diego who I met while hiking the Grand Canyon. They took me on some amazing hikes!

I did miss my little guy, but I’m so grateful for FaceTime!

And of course, the food!! My first restaurant was called Cafe Grattitide, the foods were all named affirmations. So you’d order by saying ‘I’m Thriving’ - I loved the concept, plus the food was amazing!

I also had to pick these suckers up for my travels - clearly!

My hotel in Venice Beach had a full kitchen which made it easy to feeeze my banana!

I also decided to use this trip as a chance to sample all sorts of raw juices that they seem to have at every restaurant out here!

Another vegan restaurant - a TLT, tempeh, lettuce and tomato!

This one was amazing too - butternut squash tostada!!